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Monday, April 30, 2007 @9:13 PM

I've moved.

( Fake cut to my LJ )


Tuesday, April 17, 2007 @12:20 AM

UVA is love.

Well, it looks like I'm going. :)

Click for slideshow.


Monday, April 16, 2007 @8:47 PM

I said yes to UVA

...even if I haven't received my financial aid letter yet.

Because waiting f-ing sucks.


Monday, April 09, 2007 @1:43 PM

It feels good to be back.

Last week just felt like it could go on forever. I never realized how attached I've become to the Internet until I gave it up for Holy Week. I even "cheated" mid-week to check my hotmail account (and that only) because I was already growing paranoid that some really really important emails could get erased in my junk mail. Turns out I was just being paranoid. Yeah. But there were really some important emails that were sent to my account this week. Like really really important.

God, I could already feel UVA on my fingertips. It's just so close.

But I'm still keeping a vigilant eye on our mailbox.




Not much to know...
Pronounce my f-ing name right, will you?

Multiply. Livejournal.


rock 'n roll
worshipping harry potter
reading books
playing sports
watching tv
good grades
the new iPod


ugly music
obnoxious people


ace + astrid + ayel + betsy + danica + danielle + ella + jaco + jescia + jessie + jolens + kar + katoto + lib + lori + mariel + nica + patice + poj + raisabelle + sammie + tete


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