Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @7:26 PM
Oh shit.
Investigatory project. Social action paper.
I'm panicking.
I haven't even started on our SAP. Only a few more things to write for the IP and it's f-ing over, baby. I will sleep at midnight tonight so I can maybe accomplish a lot of things. Hmm... first time all year?
Pulling an all-nighter's not my thing. But I'm left with no other option.
Saturday, February 24, 2007 @9:06 AM
I missed so many things this week. It's crazy. I have to make up so many quizzes... add to that all the other projects that are due next week. Shit. This week has turned into hell for me.
I broke down after Physics yesterday. Everyone was asking me if I was okay because I was doing my gloomy look and then I just started crying. I fucking hate this. Why did Kaila even propose that we go back to Physics class just so we can fail (47) our quiz on the Second Law of Thermodynamics? And why did I agree to go back? We could've just stayed at the Computer Lab until all the other contestants were finished with their websites. Damn it! My Physics grade is so unstable now. I have to make-up the quiz I missed because of the Students' Take Over. I just have to. And the other one I missed this week. I fucking need lots of perfect scores.
Merit Card na nga lang e... Kelangan ko pa magpakahirap.
Things I missed and have to make-up next week:
Feb. 20, Tuesday
Accounting quiz-
Physics quiz (latent heat)Feb. 21, Wednesday
Filipino quiz (Kab. 32-34)Feb. 22, Thursday
Filipino quiz (pangngalang diwa)-
Teenstar quizzes (media; chastity)-
PE practical testsFeb. 23, Friday
English quiz (Odyssey) -
Math long testOooh. Fun. Plus homeworks, seatworks, and notes. And on Monday we have a quiz in Filipino for Kab. 35-37. Yey. Not. I have to study all day today or I'll be dead. I don't know what to do for Physics. God. I foresee a lot of crying this week.

Stargazing last night. It wasn't as fun as last year...but it was okay nonetheless. I shacked with Patty A. and Astrid, and we had some fun late night "Ano ang Tagalog ng..." games. Haha. I'm embarrassing. Damn those stupid mosquitoes that bit us. It's a good thing their bites don't scar. They felt like burns though. And damn that stupid thing (insect?) that bit my right eyelid. The swelling has receded now...so it's okay.
Oh yeah... We lost to MC. Yet again. I hope that's not our last game as a team... which would mean it would be my last game with the team. And I don't want that kind of memory. When I'm playing softball, I don't want to remember that I'm a senior... 'cause I'll be leaving in a few
weeks. And that makes me cry. :(
Batangas. Please. Fuck it.
Saturday, February 17, 2007 @10:13 PM
Three more fucking weeks and I won't have to think about high school stuff anymore. We'll still have grad practices... but hell, that's better than sitting in class and worrying about my grades all the time. When those three weeks are over, I won't care anymore. I'm fine with Merit Awardee. I freaking want a 93 average, though... 'cause then I won't regret that I didn't do my best my last quarter of my last year in high school.
I'm still bitter about my 0 in my Accounting homework. We weren't even told to make a trial balance. Fuck it. And that 4/12 in my other hw. And that 79 in our first Music quiz.
I'm stressing about my group's Social Action Paper. We haven't done anything at all. Shit. And our Investigatory Project is going nowhere. It's annoying the hell out of me.
Elyse Sewell from ANTM Cycle 1 blogged about her recent trip to the Philippines in her LJ. It's so funny. She even took pictures of her in that stupid Manny Pacquiao boxing ring in Baywalk. Funny.
Sunday, February 11, 2007 @10:11 AM
Recollection was boring as usual. And the facilitator got really annoying at times. For our last recollection, it wasn't very fruitful. I enjoyed last night though. Fun times. I know I said at the start of the year that I wasn't going to be happy with my class at all, but I was wrong. Turns out Pamayanan has made my fourth year an awesome year.
Friday was awesome. I'm so proud for my class. Especially my PowerPoint group (Kaila, Astrid, Gem, Patty). Parang Dagohoy patrol lang a (Dagohoy, no practice!). Haha. We won!! My first win in these things ever! I'm such a loser. Our Musical was awesome! I watched all the other classes' plays and I swear, none of them could compare to ours. No bias there. We won in oratorical (Danielle) and JAM (Patrice) as well. I fucking lost the spelling bee (2nd place). I spelled indictment, she spelled protege. Please. Grade-schoolers know how to spell protege. I'm still bitter.
Got my grades yesterday. They're okay...but they could be better. I'm nervous about some of my subjects because I don't know if I could make those grades higher or even just retain. Oooh, pressure. Goodness, we're so close to the end...but it's still so stressful. Grr.
P.S. I spelled numismatics right, I swear. I didn't say an 'e' before the u. Fuck it. I'm never gonna mumble again.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007 @7:47 PM
So...a lot's been going on. School's been a bore, though. I don't think I have the will to study anymore. Shrug. Just a few more weeks to go anyway. I'll just force myself to study and to (shudder) recite.
About the game against Poveda. We lost. It's such a shame. 9-7. Two freaking points. There was even a time when we were ahead. So it's a shame that we lost, really. But my teammates were really happy and satisfied after the game. I guess we sort of proved that we can match that sort of team, you know. We've come a long way.
I'm not that happy, though. I didn't really play my best, and I just sucked at batting... again. I don't know...I was sort of more confident on that whole arena when I played designated hitter. Now I'm just nervous all the time. I foul every ball. It sucks. And I wasn't much of a help in center field. Nyur. Nerves make me crazy.
Miriam's our next game. Can you believe they lost to Woodrose twice? Weird. I swear to God I'm gonna get a hit in that game. And catch or block every single ball. I swear.
Friday, February 02, 2007 @5:17 PM
The End is Near
The release date of Deathly Hallows has just been announced.
July 21, 2007. Eight days after the OotP movie will be released. What stupidity. But still... I'm excited. :) It's the last book, though. I hope it lives up to expectation...'cause if it doesn't...
Whatever. 5 months more.
Game against Poveda on Sunday. 11 AM. Ateneo HS football field. Be there.