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Wednesday, August 31, 2005 @6:38 PM

Andy!! What went wrong??

Andy Roddick, world no. 3 and my absolute favorite tennis player, lost first round in the US Open. And he won two years ago. How humiliating it must be for him. And it was his birthday. Sucks for him.


Saturday, August 20, 2005 @7:08 PM

I'm addicted.

I really am. That's all I've been mostly doing yesterday and today. I'm only in level 2 though while my siblings are in like level 4 or 5. I suck. Honestly, the Simpsons games are the only games in PS2 I'm interested in. Except of course Harry Potter, and sometimes the old GTA and Gran Turismo. But the new ones suck.

Anyway...Bart Simpson's level is so freakin hard!! And I suck at steering!


Saturday, August 13, 2005 @7:41 PM

Prince William's Girlfriend

I've noticed it before but didn't get the chance to say it...but if you watch Laguna Beach on MTV, you'll know what I'm saying. Prince William's girlfriend Kate Middleton looks somewhat like LC. Don't you think so?




Thursday, August 11, 2005 @6:47 PM

Goblet of Fire! 3 more months!

I'm sorry if all I've been talking about lately is Harry Potter. But that's all that I have to talk about really. School's not much interesting.

Anyway...we're the first country in the world to watch Goblet of Fire!! Yey!! Our release date is November 16, 2005...while the US and the UK's release date is on the 18th. Woah! The other one even close to us is Germany, and their on the 17th. Exciting, I know.

You can find the release dates in the GoF website.


Monday, August 01, 2005 @9:02 PM

"I found Dumbledore on my toast!"

Ebay is just full of cheap laughs!!




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Pronounce my f-ing name right, will you?

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