Monday, May 30, 2005 @9:15 PM
Welcome to the OC [season 2], bitch!
This is how it's done in Orange County!
Just watched the first episode of season 2 of the OC...and it's super cool! And dramatic too. So much stuff going on...and it's only the first episode. Can't wait for next week.

And speaking of next week...7 days till hell breaks loose.
Thursday, May 26, 2005 @1:22 PM
Carrie is the American Idol!
Awesomeness! I wouldn't care any less though if Bo had won...since they both deserve the title...and they're obviously the two best ones in the competition. At the start of the semi-finals, my prediction was Anwar and Mario at the top 2...but since Mario dropped out, and Anwar got a bit boring...I converted to Bo and Carrie as the final two. And they were.
Yey for Carrie!
Monday, May 23, 2005 @8:58 PM
You were the Chosen One!
Yes! I've watched it! And I can't believe we hadn't watched it sooner!! It was awesome! I loved it! Dramatic!
It's the best among the prequel movies. I don't know if it's the best one of the saga...mainly because I don't remember much from Episodes IV, V and VI...since I watched them when I was little. And I'm too lazy to do a marathon. But really...I'm all for doing that this week. I'm totally inspired from watching Revenge of the Sith.
A scene I found totally gorgeous was the funeral of Padme. I mean, if I died...I would want to have a funeral like that. I'm gonna go find a picture...'cause I'm totally serious about that.
Also...lots and lots of battle scenes and light saber duels. The lamest battle scene, though, would have to be when Mace Windu and Palpatine were fighting. Was that on slow-mo or something? The best would be the whole lava duel. Won't go in too much detail...'cause I'll spoil it for those who haven't watched yet.
Btw...I should say that Hayden Christensen is super duper gorgeous in this movie!!! That long hair really has it going for him. I love evil Anakin!
New favorite movie!!
Friday, May 20, 2005 @2:13 PM
Just wanted to share some pictures:

Who's that #2 over there on the ground?'s none other than Prince William.

Hey! Who's that baldie in the middle?'s Natalie Portman! Not shocking for me now...but it did shock me when I read Newsweek last Sunday and suddenly saw her in the last few pages. It's not that she's a neo-Nazi or that she has was for a movie (V for Vendetta).
Thursday, May 19, 2005 @2:25 PM
The Wait is Over...for some people.

Honestly, I really really wanna watch Revenge of the Sith. Really badly!! I've seen the review of the movie in, and it says it's actually the best one of the prequel movies, and maybe even better than Return of the Jedi. So there...I really wanna watch it. But unfortunately, mom says we're gonna have to wait until Monday, because our car's not allowed out today, Saturday-Sunday we're in Corregidor. So hopefully, my brother can convince mom that we should go tomorrow instead.
Also...I've seen the rotten tomatoes page for Episode III (Click.)...and as of now, it has 83% fresh tomatoes, compared to Episode II's 65% fresh tomatoes and Episode I's 62% fresh tomatoes.
But of course, nothing can compare to A New Hope's 93% fresh tomatoes and The Empire Strikes Back's 98% fresh tomatoes (woah!). Unfortunately, Return of the Jedi only has 80% fresh tomatoes.

On a different note, I forgot to mention that before ETC kicks off the second season of the OC (finally!), they're showing a two-part special on the show, with behind-the-scenes, interviews, gag reels, and the like. The first part already showed, but I didn't watch all of I'm looking to tape the Monday morning rerun.
And the preview of the second part is so cool! They're gonna show what the stars were doing before they got cast in the OC. And there's this part where Mischa is like 11 or something with short hair. It's actually in the movie, Notting Hill. And I think she's being interviewed by Hugh Grant.

Hugh Grant's character: this your first film?
Mischa: (laughs a bit)'s my 22nd.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005 @1:16 PM
How nice.
Star Wars Horoscope for Libra |
You are on a lifelong pursuit of justice and determined to succeed.You convey the art of persuasion through force.You always display your supreme intelligence.You have a great talent in obtaining balance between yourself and your surroundings.
Star wars character you are most like: Obi Wan Kenobi |
Your Deadly Sins |
Greed: 60% |
Sloth: 60% |
Envy: 40% |
Gluttony: 40% |
Wrath: 40% |
Lust: 20% |
Pride: 0% |
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 37% |
You'll die in a shuttle crash, on your way to your resort on the moon. |
Monday, May 16, 2005 @4:03 PM
Wow. I've just been tuning in to Survivor Palau for the last three hours. It's the finale/live cool. I didn't watch the whole series
actually...because I really didn't like Survivor back then because there was a lot of backstabbing and that kind of thing. But I watched the reruns of Survivor
Pearl Islands and I really liked I started watching Palau. Anyway...Tom really deserves to win. I think he won 7 out of 9 individual immunity that's really impressive.

We have to wait though for four months before we see the next one, which is Survivor: Guatemala, The Maya Empire. Looks really cool. And the castaways
are actually going to live in the ruins of the Mayans. Which is really really cool. I've always wanted to go there.
I'm also excited for the next Amazing Race. I think there'll be a new one pretty soon, maybe in June, I'm not quite sure. Should go look it up. I read in TV
Guide that there's gonna be families of four now instead of teams of two. But I sounds pretty unbelievable. Would be to messed up.
Anyway...I've already seen the new trailer...and it's GORGEOUS!! I love it! I'm so excited for it to be released!!

Thursday, May 12, 2005 @9:10 PM
Just back from Baguio. And right now, I really hate the heat of Manila. I swear! I mean, it's raining right now...but it's not like that's doing us any good. We're still sweltering in here.
And basically...a lot of things happened over our vacation. They released a lot of pictures and videos, and most importantly the teaser trailer of Goblet of Fire. I've seen the screencaps...but it's only today that I'll be seeing the actual videos. And downloading in this freakin computer is such a hassle.
Also, the two-hour finale of the Amazing Race showed yesterday on AXN...and tonight, Studio 23 didn't even bother to run the whole thing. I just found through Google that Uchenna and Joyce won. And I won't be able to find out how until Saturday morning's rerun in AXN. Grr. I've been waiting for that finale for weeks...and I didn't even get to watch it live!
It's bad enough that we don't have cable in the house in Baguio...but I thought every TV had UHF. But no...there were actually only two local channels. Can you believe that? It's a good thing we brought a DVD player.
I'll talk about our vacation and post some pics of my cousin's dogs tomorrow. You know what...I don't know why...but I've made this freakin blog into a shrine of Harry Potter, the Amazing Race and American Idol. There's something seriously wrong with me.
Thursday, May 05, 2005 @12:55 PM
Meredith and Gretchen just got eliminated. You know, I really wanted them to win. Now I absolutely don't care if Rob and Amber win, even if they don't really deserve it. Ron and Kelly are just bickering all the time. And with Uchenna and Joyce, I don't really like them all that much. Can't wait for the finale next week.
Everyone in my family (especially my cousins) is absolutely addicted to Star Wars. My brother has watched Episodes I-II and IV-VI in a span of one week. I've been planning on doing a marathon myself...but each movie is just too long. And I laugh everytime I see the "special effects" they have for the older movies. I'm so excited for Revenge of the Sith...I really wanna see how Anakin went to the dark side. Too bad I still have to wait a few weeks for it.
Okay...more Harry Potter pictures. It's insane! These are from the upcoming teaser trailer. I'll only post the links 'cause the pics take too long to show, unfortunately.
Viktor Krum (Stanislav Ianevski)
Cedric Diggory (Robert Pattinson)
Fleur Delacour (Clemence Poesy)
Harry before the First Task
Krum puts his name in the goblet
Ron at the Yule Ball
Hermione at the Yule Ball
The Maze
The Horntail
Around the Goblet
Also, scans from the USA today article here with some other pics from the movie, like this one of Fred and George:

Tuesday, May 03, 2005 @9:28 PM
Guess what. I just got my hair cut. And it's so freakin short, I'm making sure none of you see it till the start of the school year. And hopefully, by then, it'll grow at least two inches. You know what...if I had emotional attachment to my long hair, I'd probably be bawling right now. But it's not like it's a boy cut or something. Although I really wish I could have Yoanna's mohawk.
And it's now official: Goblet of Fire will be released on November 18th, 2005. Awesome!'ve probably been seeing the ONE Campaign video on MTV. You can lend your voice to help beat global AIDS and poverty. Sign the petition now at",. ONE by ONE, we can make the difference. They're not asking for your money. They're asking for your voice.

Monday, May 02, 2005 @3:10 PM
I'm so excited for the release of the new Harry Potter book (74 days!!)...and equally as excited for the release of the new Harry Potter movie (6 months??!!).
I'm hyperventilating at this very moment...'cause it's the first time that GoF footage has been shown anywhere. Click. So like I always do, I downloaded it. It was so cool...but you only see one scene for like two seconds then it changes. And it's only now that I've seen the screencaps. And I'm hyperventilating even more!
