Thursday, April 28, 2005 @9:04 PM
Yes! Constantine is out...and Meredith and Gretchen are still in the Amazing Race. Yey!!
I know how much I've been expressing my utter hatred and annoyance with Constantine, but I must say that he doesn't deserve to go just yet. I absolutely don't know why the hell Scott is still in the competition. If next week he's not out of AI, something's seriously messed up with those who are voting for him. Yahoo describes Constantine's exit as "an 'Idol' shocker." I personally don't think so since he's not that good of a singer to begin with...he just gives his all in performing to cover for his not-so-impressive vocals. But that's just what I think.
And with the Amazing Race...I really hope Meredith and Gretchen are in the top three teams competing to win. And I don't mind Rob and Amber being one of the three...I just hope they don't win the million dollars, mainly because they don't deserve it being conniving/manipulative and all...and also because Amber already has a million, and Rob has $250,000 for being the runner-up in the Survivor All-Stars.
Btw...Rob's so stupid. If he didn't ask Gretchen (jokingly) if they got on the earlier flight to Istanbul...then Uchenna wouldn't have checked if there was an earlier flight. And there was...and Rob/Amber and Ron/Kelly didn't find about it. So because of that, Meredith/Gretchen and Uchenna/Joyce got to Istanbul earlier by two hours.
Now for more interesting news...Tom Cruise are Katie Holmes are dating. That's just weird. What if they get married? That would be weirder. But whatever...they look good together anyway. Click.

Sunday, April 24, 2005 @10:15 PM
Nothing to I did these
Your Taste in Music: |
Classic Rock: High Influence |
Punk: High Influence |
90's Alternative: Medium Influence |
Adult Alternative: Low Influence |
R&B: Low Influence |
Your Linguistic Profile: |
60% General American English |
20% Yankee |
15% Dixie |
5% Upper Midwestern |
0% Midwestern |
Joan Elizabeth Martinez's Aliases |
Your movie star name: Ice Cream Antonio |
Your fashion designer name is Joan Rome |
Your socialite name is Joanee New York |
Your fly girl / guy name is J Mar |
Your detective name is Horse Holy Spirit |
Your barfly name is Crackers |
Your soap opera name is Elizabeth Delgado |
Your rock star name is Bubblegum Cheetah |
Your star wars name is Joakak Marwil |
Your punk rock band name is The Somber Panty |
Thursday, April 21, 2005 @8:44 PM
Whoa! Anwar was sent home! How shocking was that? At the very start he was my bet to win...but I guess as the weeks passed he kind of got boring. But I didn't really expect that he'd be going this soon. Btw...why is Scott still in the competition? He should've been out weeks ago! And I know I've been saying it over and over, but I'll say it again...why do people love Constantine so much? He sucks.
Anyway, I was so into yesterday's episode of the Amazing Race. As I said I was rooting for Meredith and Gretchen, and I didn't want them to be eliminated. They were trailing behind a lot, but since Lynn and Alex went to the wrong place for the pit stop, they weren't eliminated. Yey for that! I really want them to win. And I absolutely hate Rob and Amber! They suck! They're so conniving and manipulative! They don't deserve to win at all!
I'm supposed to put my thoughts on the new pope...but maybe tomorrow. I was too excited to write about AI and the Amazing Race. So there.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005 @5:27 PM
A Quick Conclave
Habemus Papam. We have a new Pope.
Tuesday evening in Rome, after just two days of deliberation, a plume of white smoke filtered from the Sistine Chapel, bells rang, and the tens of thousands gathered outside St. Peter's Basilica greeted the new leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, favored by many as one of the most-likely papal contenders, was elected the new pontiff and chose the name Pope Benedict XVI. He becomes the first German pope in nearly 1,000 years.

My thoughts on the new pope tomorrow.
Now I'll move on to other events...this week's American Idol performance night. It's either Scott or Anthony who'll be going home. I missed both performances since tennis ended 4PM and I had to go home, but I was able to watch Constantine (eww!) and Carrie in the lounge. Did you see Constantine and his eyelinered face? I hated it! If Scott or Anthony doesn't go home this week, it should be him! Down with Constantine Maroulis! Btw, my favorite performances this week were from Vonzell, Bo and Carrie.
Monday, April 18, 2005 @8:44 PM
First thing I did when I woke up this morning was to look at my grades, since they gave out our report cards today. Depressing grades, I'm telling you. I hate second year so very much. This year's really my first time to not be an honor student. It's depressing. But there's no use crying over it. Better luck next time, I guess. And because I'm so third year, I'm going all the way to the top, baby!
Btw...what the hell happened to me, anyway? It's just not like me.'s also the first day of my tennis camp. I signed up for the 1PM, which was for intermediate/advanced...and boy, was it tiring. The thing I hated most is the whole running at the start and at the end thing. Like warming up and cooling down. I hate running so much. And I didn't bring water so I was so thirsty after the whole session. But what I noticed, though, was that I have quite a good backhand...better than my forehand. It's weird.
Just watched America's Next Top Model. I wish I was taller.
Friday, April 15, 2005 @2:22 PM
Since the beautiful photo I took in Batangas is overshadowed by my rants about how ugly Cho Chang is...I'll put it in this post...and let me say again: it's GORGEOUS!
Now to American Idol. Yehes! Nadia is out! And it's a good thing that Bo didn't go home. I've been thinking about it, and as the weeks passed by, the guys have lost their flair...and I'm now for the two remaining girls, Vonzell and Carrie. And a question to the Americans...why do they keep voting for Constantine? He's so irritating.
Anyway...also watched the episode of Unwrapped yesterday. It was about chocolate! And they featured the Annual Candy Expo in Chicago...and omigosh! I want to go there so badly! I'll probably cry when I see Chocolate Avenue. All those chocolates!!
I've been watching Fashion Trance for many months now...and it's so funny when I see this model. I didn't know her name until today in the Victoria's Secret segment. Her name's Caroline Ribeiro...and I was surprised to find out she was Brazilian, 'cause she doesn't look like she is.
Why is it so funny when I see her? Well, she looks like Sean Lopez!! Am I right, classmates?
Wednesday, April 13, 2005 @5:24 PM
Just a few weeks ago they said Demi Moore was pregnant (with Ashton, eww!) Spears is pregnant. So that explains why she's so fat and ugly nowadays. I'll post a pic when I see one.
Anyway...just watched American Idol. Nadia is totally going home! I hate her so much...she makes that look like she's constipated or something. They all did good I guess, even Constantine...even though I hate him so much 'cause he does that disgusting "smoldering" look. But I'm biased because I loved Bohemian Rhapsody and he didn't butcher the song, thank heavens! Scott could go home too. But I'm hoping Nadia gets the boot!
Will be watching Amazing Race 7 a little later on. I really would like to watch it live from satellite every Wednesday morning...but it's too early for me, since I wake up before lunch. Rob and Amber are so annoying...and they shouldn't win this race...'cause they've already got their million. They don't need another one. I'm rooting for Meredith and Gretchen...'cause they're still there...and since the old people are always the underdogs.
Monday, April 11, 2005 @8:40 PM
We've seen the ugly pictures. What the hell were the producers thinking casting Katie Leung as Cho Chang?
Now a new pic has surfaced...and honestly, I'm still disappointed. They she's stunning blah blah blah. Well, explain the pics, then. She has an addiction with her cell phone.
Anyway...just watched America's Next Top Model. The girls got their makeovers. Amanda: woah! Ice princess! See pic somewhere in my earlier posts. Nicole's hair is so cool! They said it was I Love Lucy red...but wasn't it pink? Really cool.
Also wanna talk about this picture
I took on our beach trip to Batangas just a few weeks ago. I was looking for it in the folders, and I found it...and
Friday, April 08, 2005 @9:08 PM
A lot has happened over the past week. Millions across the globe mourned the passing of John Paul II, Brian and Greg were the last to arrive at the pit stop, and Nikko Smith was voted off.
Much to my happiness that Nikko's no longer in AI...we don't need another R&B singer. Really. And Kiki says he shouldn't be in there anyway if Mario hadn't dropped out. I hope Nadia's next. I'm sorry but she does this pouting thing with her lower lip like a fish or something. I hate it. It's irritating. And you know what's more irritating? Constantine. I just wanna puke everytime he makes that face and follows the camera as if he thinks he's so gorgeous or something. In which case, he's not. And that cleft chin is so prominent and ugly, I hate it. Go Carrie!
I'm thinking of revamping this boring old blog because it sucks...but I'm too lazy. This summer is so boring, isn't it? I'm just sitting around at home, watching TV, standing up when necessary. It's depressing. I need some sort of activity. Tennis camp's not gonna be starting until the week after next...what am I supposed to do until then? I want another CD...something from AC/DC.
Sunday, April 03, 2005 @10:20 PM
Pope John Paul II
Saturday, April 02, 2005 @1:01 PM
The Pope Near Death
Pope John Paul II was near death as dawn approached Saturday, his breathing shallow and his heart and kidneys failing, the Vatican said. Millions of faithful around the world paid homage, many weeping as they knelt with bowed heads, others carrying candles in prayer for the 84-year-old pontiff.

This evening or this night, Christ opens His doors to the Pope.