Friday, December 31, 2004 @2:48 PM
Fuck this...can't think of a song right now...
Damn! I really can't do a new's so fucking hard! Anyway...just got back from Tagaytay...we stayed there for two nights. It was so cold there.
I decided that I won't save up for a digital camera this year. I'll just buy a phone with a freakin camera on it. Nokia's new phones I'll probably buy Samsung or whatever.
I think there's only 9+ hours till the New Year. I have nothing else to post...I need as much time to learn html. This blog is freakin boring me so I need to change the layout.
I'll see ya!
Monday, December 27, 2004 @6:47 PM
Hey...ho...let's go!
Yes, certain events this Christmas time is truly unfortunate. As we all know, a very strong earthquake hit Indonesia, which caused a massive tsunami that killed over 19,930 in some parts of Asia. It is very very unfortunate.
They say warnings would've reduced the tsunami toll...but how could they warn the people? The poorer countries in Asia don't have the same technology like they do in Hawaii. That is just too unfortunate.
Anyway, now on a lighter side. I can't help myself, really. My dad bought me the Nine Lives CD of Aerosmith...and I bought the Tribute to the Ramones CD for myself. It's really cool! Then I bought The Alchemist which I am excited to read, and this Italian vocabulary book 'cause I wanna learn the language.
That's about it. But of all you II-Gabay and II-G people...the pics from the interaction are right
here if you wanna see them.
I found a pic with me in it...I'm such a fucking sloucher. Hate it. With me is Noel who's writing on the paper on my back, and some classmates and II-G people in the background.
Well...that's it...I'll see ya...
Sunday, December 26, 2004 @7:29 PM
Picture yourself in a boat on a river...
Said I won't be posting for a couple of days...but I'm doing this anyway...
We went to the mall today...and I got so pissed because I couldn't buy a digital camera because the ones I wanted were too expensive. So I'll probably just ask for one for my birthday. It's so unfair that my brother gets his PS2 and my sister gets her iRiver...but whatever...
Anyway, I got my's black with white graffiti on it...looks really cool. And I got a few pairs of pants from Guess and HerBench...and a cap too. So I'm happy about that. I still have some money left and I don't know what I'm gonna spend it on. We're going to the Podium tomorrow so I'll probably splurge on something...
If I find the time, I'll revamp this site 'cause it's so freakin boring. But I have to learn all those fucking html bullcrap. And I've decided if I do change the layout, I'll probably stop saying every single word in English, and putting titles in my posts since they're all just lines from songs anyway. It's time for a change.
Saturday, December 25, 2004 @9:20 PM
Merry Christmas to one and all! for the next few days...I'm not going to post here. Just posted to wish everyone a very merry Christmas!
And I won't be getting an electric guitar 'cause dad says I'm not that good at playing the guitar I dunno what to do with my money. I might just go ahead and buy a digital camera. Yep...back to square one.
That's it for me...buh-bye now...
Thursday, December 23, 2004 @2:43 PM
O Christmas tree...o Christmas tree...
Hello all! I've just been back from my grandma's house. Slept there with some of my cousins, 'cause we had to practice for our Christmas play. We haven't done one in I think two years...
Anyway, since I already got my U2 cd, and since my mom said she'll buy the
CyberShot DSC-M1 Sony just released...I've decided to change my Christmas wishlist. Now, I only want an electric guitar and black Chucks.
And for the New Year, hopefully God will bless me with five inches of height. XD
Tuesday, December 21, 2004 @10:02 PM are too kind!
I'm just ecstatic right now! I just found out that on the faithful day of July 16, 2005, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will be released! I'm just so happy right now! You betcha I'm gonna be lined up outside National Bookstore on that very day. Happiness is upon me right now!
There's info on all the HP fansites if you wanna find out more, and JK Rowling herself said in her official site that "'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' is COMPLETED and has been delivered to my English language publishers..."
Okay...that just made me so happy! Here is the message straight from JK's site if you wanna see it.
Anyway...another thing that made me that I can now cross out one of my Christmas wishes. I couldn't resist the I bought the U2 cd...which absolutely rocks!
I'll buy the black Chucks some time this break, and the whole digital camera wish might not come true. What I wanted was the Canon Digital Ixus i5 (or the Canon PowerShot SD20), but it cost way too much. So that sucks. An electric guitar seems like a good alternative. But I won't use it much since I'm not that good so I'd probably just ask for lots of clothes.
And of course, I just watched this week's episodes of the OC and One Tree Hill, which rocked as always! I can't wait for next week!
One last thing...Warner Bros. has released the very first GoF movie pics. Click here for the first one (Harry and Hermione before the first task) and here for the second one (Ron and Harry in their dress robes).
That's all! See ya!
Monday, December 20, 2004 @4:59 PM
I'm at a place called vertigo...
I have a crispy 500-peso bill in my wallet right now, and I'm fighting the temptation of buying the U2 album I've been ranting about when we go to the mall tomorrow...but I probably will anyway.
Just wanted to get something out. I've only just realized a few minutes ago that Liam Neeson was the guy who played Qui-Gon Jinn in Star Wars Episode 1. So that's why he looked so familiar in that movie. I didn't quite recognize him with the long hair and all...
Anyway...I have nothing more to talk about...I'll just post next time when something crosses my mind like that useless information about Star Wars...hehe...
Yeah! Rock On!
Sunday, December 19, 2004 @8:30 PM
If you weren't real I would make you up...
I'm really not feeling the whole Christmas spirit thing...nor do I feel that we actually have a few weeks without school. Right now, I have three things I really want for Christmas and that's:
1. a digital camera
2. the new U2 album (How to Dismantle...)
3. black Chucks
And it wouldn't hurt if my parents would throw in a lot of new clothes. And hopefully I'll get a lot of those blue peso bills with three heads in them. You're stupid if you don't get that.
Well, anyway, I have nothing more to talk about. And I'll probably be too lazy to post in the next couple of days...but let's just see...
Ciao everyone!
Friday, December 17, 2004 @7:57 PM
Christmas vacation! Yey!
Happiness! Last school day of the year...and I'm just as jolly as Santa 'cause I don't have to wake up early anymore. But anyway...I can feel that I'll fail most of my tests. They were so f'ing hard! I had to f'ing guess in most of the questions!
Anyway, after the tests we went to the mall...but I won't go into detail...I just bought these really cool shades, and I found a Sex Pistols button pin. Coolness! Anyway, I left my school shoes and my brush at my friend's house...which really pisses me off 'cause I'm getting so careless with my things.
Right now, I'm listening to the music of this really cool guy Ottmar Liebert...and he's now my guitar idol. He's not a singer, the CD's just a bunch of Christmas songs done on guitar...which is actually really really good. The coolest song is Poets + Angels, which I think he composed himself.
I've decided that I need to grow taller. It'll be a miracle if I grow three or four inches in a year, but it could definitely I'm just gonna hope, and drink lots and lots and lots of milk...
That's it. Cheers!
Sunday, December 12, 2004 @8:20 AM
Love is all you need...
I have nothing to write about except that I went to the Kundirana concert last night at my school, and it turned out to be pretty cool.
I might not be blogging this week, 'cause we have our tests, and I really have to study. And I probably won't have anything to write about anyway.
That's it...I'll see ya...
Friday, December 10, 2004 @7:01 PM
It's fun to lose and to pretend...
Not all my titles are from the Beatles, you know. All the other artists' songs I've made into titles are: the Sex Pistols, the Dandy Warhols, Jeff Buckley (heard that song from an OC episode...really cool...) and just now, Nirvana. But since the Beatles have really cool lyrics...I love using them as blog titles.
Anyway, enough useless talk.
Just my grades in Biology and AP went downhill because of the low scores I got in my quizzes today. I'm not gonna go into depth on that 'cause it just depresses me. And I don't have anything else to talk about, except that tests are coming up. But there's no point in talking about in my next post, I'll talk about more uplifting stuff:
Hot guys.

Loves it!
Thursday, December 09, 2004 @6:08 PM
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah...

I wasn't able to blog yesterday. If I'd have known that I'd wake up four hours after my alarm rang, I should've done my homework the night before. But yesterday was boring up, had lunch, did my homework, watched TV, read a book, took a shower, got ready for Church, went to Mass, ate dinner, wrote my formal theme, watched TV, then went to sleep. The same old boring stuff...
Nothing much happened today either...I forgot my jug at school, but that's really not my biggest problem. Tomorrow's the deadline for our music project, and once again, I'm doing it at the last day. I don't know why I've become such a procrastinator. I have to change myself...but that'll have to wait till the new year...
So yeah...that's about it...there's nothing more I really wanna talk about. No new bands I like, no new CDs or books I so desperately want that I haven't mentioned I'll just be off...
Tuesday, December 07, 2004 @10:22 PM
Your future dream is a shopping scheme...
I know it's only been a few hours, but I had nothing else to do, so I decided to blog again.
I just changed my unkymood (the little drawing you can see in the side bar), and I just finished watching The OC and before that one very cool episode of One Tree Hill. Two great shows I just absolutely love!
Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about the whole digital camera thing, and I really don't know if I can save enough money for it. The one I want is a bit expensive...and I really don't want to buy any other model. So if by a miraculous chance I get the money, then I'll buy it.
For now, it's back to splurging on books and CDs before the year ends. Two things I have to buy immediately would be the book, Catcher in the Rye, and U2's new album. But of course, that'll have to wait a few weeks, because I still have to buy Christmas gifts for my friends.
That's it for today...
@5:51 PM
I need somebody...not just anybody...(Help!)...
There is absolutely nothing to talk about today. If you'll look at the right, just below the can see my mood (bored!). I just put that in last night, and it's really cool! And another thing...go nuts and post in the tag-board!
It's a good thing we have no classes tomorrow...but I'm not exactly sure if we're going to Mass. I should wake up early-ish so the day won't go to waste, get started immediately on homeworks and projects, and spend the rest of the day on the computer, watching TV or reading that Coelho book. Sounds boring, doesn't it? Well, if you're me, everything's boring...
Also, One Tree Hill is on at 8 tonight, and The OC is after go watch!
Rock on!
Monday, December 06, 2004 @5:46 PM
A long time ago...we used to be friends...
That up there is from a song from The Dandy Warhols, one of my new fave bands...if I have the money, I'd buy their CD straight away...but I don't think they even sell them here. Which sucks...
My brother has absolutely no good taste in music! My mom said she'd buy him any CD he likes, and he decides to buy that frickin Linkin Park CD. Honestly, Linkin Park is one of the suckiest bands ever. I mean, turntables? Mixing rock with rap? Puh-lease! The only artists who could pull that off would be Aerosmith and Run DMC with their genius of a collaboration, Walk This Way.
Right now, I'm trying to read another book, but it's not one of those happy nunga-nunga-type stories. The book's Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho. I hope I can finish it, 'cause I get lazy with books sometimes...
Well, nothing much happened's as boring as any other Monday...or any other day for that matter. I don't know why, but I'm always bored.
So I'll just stop there.
Sunday, December 05, 2004 @9:15 PM
Money, money, money,!
I absolutely love that theme song from The Apprentice. It's the coolest thing...
After mass, we went to that National Bookstore in Quezon Ave. And like always, I had to indulge myself on one more CD...but I really wanted it. The CD I bought was Music from The OC...which is really cool and is mostly rock. Don't know why they don't have Rooney in it though, since they were in one episode...but they have Phantom Planet, Jet, Dandy Warhols, and many others.
Anyway...I should really stop splurging on CDs if I want to buy that digital camera. I feel so guilty now. But what the was a really cool CD, and I don't regret buying it. But really, I should stop...
Oh yeah...I just heard that Prince Andrew is here in the Philippines...which is not really that exciting. But if Prince William was here...I'd probably stalk him. Hehe...:p
I should find another way to earn money...'cause Christmas money just won't be enough...I should get a job. I should model. Yeah right!
Well, that's it for today...can't use the Internet too long 'cause it's back to school tomorrow. So I'm off, and btw...I now have a, go bananas...
See ya!
Saturday, December 04, 2004 @1:05 PM
Still my guitar gently weeps...
Today's as boring as yesterday, and will probably be as boring as tomorrow.
I'm going out tonight, but not to the LSGH charity concert like some of my friends are, but to my grandma's house for the birthdays of two of my cousins. We always do those things on Sundays, but I don't know why they moved it to today.
I'm sorry if I'm talking non-stop about my Christmas wishes, but I want a digital camera so badly! I already know the model I want (hmm...can it be the Canon PowerShot SD20?)...I just don't how much it costs, and if I'll be able to save up for it.
Well, I have nothing more to talk that's it...
I'm off! 21 days till Christmas!
Friday, December 03, 2004 @8:28 PM
When I find myself in times of trouble...
Still so bored.
Yes, I've decided, what I really want for Christmas is a digital camera. A few months ago, I would've wanted an electric guitar so badly...but lately, I haven't been up to learning more guitar stuff. I'm just really so lazy.
Another Beatles song is stuck in my head...this time, it's "I'm Only Sleeping". It's a really cool should listen to it.
Well, okay then, I'll be off...I have nothing more to say and I'm off to go sulking in my room. And last thing, I'm too lazy to set up a tag-board, so just feel free to comment...
Just how many days are there till Christmas?
Loves it!
@5:07 PM
Keeping an eye on the world going by my window...
Still bored...but I've just been thinking. It seems that I want so many things. I know I'm not actually gonna get whatever I wish for...but I dunno. I just want a lot of things. And I do hope I get some things I want this Christmas...
I'm not asking for a new phone, I just got one last year...would be cool to get a new one though. But I really don't care about fucking phones...I don't even use them that much. What I really really want is a digital camera. I just hope I could earn enough money for one...
Also a couple of CDs. I'm gonna make a list...but they cost too much, so I'm only going to buy just two or three I so desperately want, or maybe just The Beatles' Anthology 3. And it wouldn't be so bad if I get a lot of new clothes and new shoes.
Alrighty then! That just totally put me way down. I need money!
@1:21 PM
Waiting for a sleepy feeling...
So today classes are still suspended due to the typhoon...but I don't think it's here anymore. Right now, it's not even drizzling. But the weather's kinda unpredictable don't know when exactly the rain's gonna pour. It's great there are no classes's that time of the month, and we have PE today.
Since there's absolutely nothing to do today, tomorrow, and on Sunday, I should really get back to reading. That way I won't always be glued to the TV or the computer. But I really am too lazy to read the thick books we have at that's very unfortunate. I really should buy more of those books like the nunga-nunga one.
Well, I really have no stories to tell's just très ennuyeux (boring) in the house I'll just go on with my life. Oh's raining again! Ciao!
Thursday, December 02, 2004 @1:04 PM
I'm looking through you...
Classes were suspended today due to a typhoon that hit most parts of the Philippines. It's not raining right now, not even drizzling, but the suspension of classes was to make sure that everyone will be safe, because it is very unsure if the typhoon will hit Metro Manila in the late afternoon or in the evening. Either way, I think there won't be any classes tomorrow, but just to make sure, I'm still going to do all my assignments and my book report.
Another tidbit though...the typhoon is unfortunately called "Yoyong". Honestly, why does our country give them such ugly names? Like, the typhoon that just left, they called it "Winnie". How unfortunate is that? Being named after a cartoon character. So I'm doing this early in the day 'cause if there are rainstorms tonight, then I'm not gonna be able to use the computer.
I really hated what happened early in the day. I woke up at 5, like I always do during school days, then took a bath. There was no water coming out of the shower, so I had to use the water in the pail...and it was so f'ing freezing! After that, I got out, got dressed for school, and started drying my hair (which is a 20-minute process)...and halfway through, my mom suddenly came in and said that there'll be no classes today. And I got so pissed...because if I'd have taken a shower later this day, I wouldn't have endured freezing water!
But anyway...that's in the past now. I went back to bed some time before 8, woke up at 12, had lunch, and now I'm here. And that's really all that have happened so far in the day. So, I'll be off!
Paix et amour!
Wednesday, December 01, 2004 @6:06 PM
Noooo future...noooo future for you...
Noooo future...noooo future for you...
Things took a massive turn today...and nothing misfortunate happened today...except for that f'ing low grade I got in my Filipino quiz. Honestly, could I be any stupider? And also not forgetting our f'ing oral defense...our teacher kept asking why we only had one person test it. Duh! As if anyone would like to try a cigarette we made, and she wants our testers to be real smokers so they could tell us the difference. Fuck that!
Anyway...those were the sucky parts of the on to the brighter side of things. I'll probably finish the Nunga-Nunga book tonight...then go work on my book report tomorrow (does the word cramming ring a bell) and pass it on Friday. And what else happened to my life today besides school? Nothing! Of course, some deep thoughts have crossed my mind today. Like my decision to take up French in the summer because I am so freakin tired of English, and I absolutely do not like my native language. So good luck to me.
I have nothing more to say. Au revoir les gens!